Blackpulp Designs has had the privilege of working with more than 75 MinistryPlatform churches since 2012. Since becoming a featured MinistryPlatform partner, we’ve built Core Tools, Portal Skins, Custom Portal Pages, Website Integrations, Custom Portal Sites, Mobile Web Apps, Database Extensions / Customizations, App integrations, Reports, Data Routines, etc.

Blackpulp released the first MinistryPlatform integrated widget in 2016. Since then we've built more than 50 different widgets. From Group Finders to Pledge Forms to Event Listings to Registrations, we've got you covered.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Alternate Authentication
Use the Alternate Authentication tool to get your church members authenticated quickly and easily. Users can login by entering their Email address, receive a code via email for verification, and be instantly authenticated to register, signup, and more.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Assimilation App
Use the Assimilation App to manage your people pipelines. Setup a pipeline for on boarding volunteers, training childcare workers, or approving deacons and elders.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Connect Card
Remember when we used to pass the notepad down the pew during Sunday worship and sign in? Use the Connect Card mobile app to allow your church members to mark their presence in worship, indicate their interest in Opportunities, and share Prayer Requests.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Content Management System
Since 2005, Blackpulp has been developing custom bespoke Content Management Systems designed specifically for client needs. Our MinistryPlatform integrated website CMS allows you to drive as much content as possible from MinistryPlatform, utilizes MinistryPlatform authentication throughout the site, and creates the seamless user experience you're looking for.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Contribution Statements
Do you need a donor statement that includes soft credit giving? Or that includes Pledge information for more than one campaign? Blackpulp has a number of different customizable Contribution Statements that can be used in your regular communications with donors.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Custom Portal
Blackpulp's extensive experience designing and building websites combines with Blackpulp's extensive experience integrating with MinistryPlatform. We have fully custom Portal sites that cater the entire Portal experience to your church context. With the sunsetting of the Think Ministry Portal scheduled for 2020, we can offer a full replacement that maintains all current functionality with the options to add features as needed.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
e-Newsletter App
MinistryPlatform is the single source of truth about the members of your church. Use the data you know about your members to customize your communications with them. With the e-Newsletter App you can send targeted promotions to your members.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Event Management
We get it, managing events, room assignments, equipment and servicing is a big job, and the best place to put all that data is in MinistryPlatform. With the Blackpulp Event Management tools, your staff will have tools built specifically to work within MinistryPlatform to make each step in the process more efficient. (COMING SOON)
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Event Metrics App
The Event Metrics App is designed for staff and volunteers to record headcount data and other metrics for your Events from their mobile devices. Granular controls in MinistryPlatform allow you to manage which users have access to which Events and event metric types allow you to easily record numbers for adults, children, students, etc.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Event Submission
Your church members don't have access to MinistryPlatform, but they often need to reserve a room for an event. The Event Submission tool allows church members to submit all the information you need to review, approve, and add the event to the church calendar in an efficient manner.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Facilities App
The Facilities App is a mobile progressive web app designed for your Facilities, Tech and Production staff who need on-the-go access to MinistryPlatform while performing their daily duties. Staff can get real time information on events, room setups, equipment reservations, etc. and can even create their own favorite views of the calendar to help them do their jobs.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Family Signup
The Family Signup widget allows you to setup your events in MinistryPlatform like you normally would, but it allows your users to signup one or more family members all at once. Examples include: signing up all your kids for VBS in one step while choosing different options for each child; signing up Mom for bible study while registering two kids for childcare; and the options are endless!
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Group Management
Blackpulp's Group Management Tools give your group members and group leaders a full suite of mobile ready tools in a fully customizable toolset. Whether your groups are small, large, community, interest, or something entirely different, we have the tools you need.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Group SMS
This custom Blackpulp application integrates with MinistryPlatform for the purpose of facilitating Group SMS Messaging among defined Groups inside the church community. Only Group members can send and receive group messages and all messages are logged in the database for security.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
HR Tools
This suite of tools extends the basic MinistryPlatform functionality to allow your HR department to more fully manage staff and related information in MinistryPlatform.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
iCal Feed Service
Blackpulp's customized iCal Feed Service allows users to subscribe to calendars for all kinds of purposes: Pastor On Call Calendar, Prayer Calendar, Facilities Setup Calendar, the list goes on and on!
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Media Manager
Have you ever needed to find an image that you attached to that Event in MinistryPlatform 2 years ago for Christmas Eve service? Or have you ever wished you could change out the graphic for a series of records in MP all at once? The Media Manager is a Core Tool that integrates directly with the MP file attachment system to let you do this and more.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Member Directory
Your church is unique, and so are your digital Member Directory needs. The custom Blackpulp Member Directory allows you full control over layout, privacy, and business rules for who can view the directory.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
My Profile App
Your church members have all the latest info about their family, including little Johnny's latest cell phone number and Dad's new work email address. But you'd also like to get that Medical Release Form signed so that Johnny can go on the student trip. With the My Profile App, Blackpulp can customize the experience for your church's members.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Online Courses
Integrate a Learning Management System into your MinistryPlatform ecosystem with Blackpulp's Online Courses App. Build up a Course with classes, content, assignments and more and let your church members take classes online at work, at home, on the go.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Plan Your Visit
Help first time visitors help themselves and give them the concierge service they deserve. The Plan Your Visit app allows users to setup their whole household in the database with a few easy steps. You can trigger followup workflow based on these new Households, and when they show up on campus you'll be ready to receive them and Check In Suite will be ready to check their children in as well.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Prayer Wall
Remember when we used to pass the notepad down the pew during Sunday worship and sign in? Use the Connect Card mobile app to allow your church members to mark their presence in worship, indicate their interest in Opportunities, and share Prayer Requests.
March 31, 2020/by administrato
Project Management App
For the Communications team at your church, project management is key to success. With the Blackpulp Project Management App, you can track every detail and automate communication with designers, stakeholders, and managers. Get things done right, on time, and on budget!
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Reservations App
The Blackpulp Reservations App allows you to create events in MP, and allows your church members to reserve a seat in worship.
May 14, 2020/by administrato
Search MP
Ever wished that your website visitors could search for "Membership Class" and get a list of upcoming Events from MinistryPlatform? Blackpulp has a suite of search tools that integrate with WordPress, Ekklesia360 and other website platforms to get MP search results into the hands of those who need it most.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Shepherding App
The Shepherding App is designed to equip your Elders / Lay Pastoral Care team for the important job of watching over their flock. Authenticated users can lookup contact info for church members, see member involvement, and quickly take action to contact, take notes, and interact with members.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Signup Slots
When your users to register and choose one or more time slots for themselves, the Signup Slots has you covered. Connect the Signup Slots to a Volunteer Opportunities for Christmas or Easter services and get people registered quickly and easily.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Use the SMS Bot to automate communication with your congregation via text messaging. Setup keywords for users to find information, get directions, register for events, give online and more.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
SMS Mask
This custom built application integrates with MinistryPlatform for the purpose of facilitating SMS Messaging between individual staff members and church members without revealing the staff member’s personal cell phone number.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Spiritual Gifts Assessment
Use the Basden Johnson Spiritual Gifts Assessment to help your congregation find and utilize their God given gifts.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
The Sponsorship Apps developed by Blackpulp allow you to display real time sponsorship information for your sponsorship programs, such as Orphan Sponsorship, Intern Sponsorship, or Church Plant Sponsorship. View available opportunities for sponsorship along with fundraising goals, bios, and more.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Ticketing App
Sell tickets for your next major event and store connect important information back into MinistryPlatform. The Ticketing App integrates with Events, Custom Forms, Products, and Options allowing for maximum flexibility.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Visitor Intake App
This app is designed for kiosks where your trained volunteers can welcome visitors and get them setup in the database facilitating checkin and staff followup. The app also allows your volunteers to quickly sign up visitors for event, groups and opportunities.
December 13, 2019/by administrato
Volunteer Management
Want to schedule and coordinate volunteers across multiple ministries? Want to allow volunteers to be able to find a substitute when they go out of town? This is the tool for you! (COMING SOON)
December 13, 2019/by administrato